
Treatment of Men under Suspicion

Let all women know that it is not proved—either by Reason or by Scripture—that Men Under Suspicion should stand—on the ground of suspicion alone—outside the state of grace that is required for the grant and receiving of Sexual Communion.
Nor does it seem proved right in itself that a Man in Despair and Not Proved Guilty by Solid Evidence must be denied Sexual Communion. This is even if the woman may be entirely―but only intuitively―certain of such guilt.
Therefore, the woman—when she uses the words, ‘I know what you did,’ though not meaning, ‘By actual, independent evidence’―but says so based only on her intuition―should not Withhold All Manner of Sex
In truth, a woman is in serious error who says that a man is not entitled to the grant of Sexual Gratification—even though he be merely suspected of infidelity.

As a matter of fact, women should remit to Men in Despair no penalty. This only works to make such men seek sex elswhere and is counter productive.

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